Webinar and interview series

Webinar and interview series

Twenty-first webinar: Reviewing the recent progress on the effects of climate extremes and nitrogen deposition on trees, soil, and forest ecosystems

We are honored to announce that for the Twenty-first event in the series, we will be joined by Charlotte Angove from the University of Helsinki,...

Twentieth webinar: Implementing a long-term network to monitor the effects of air pollution on terrestrial ecosystems in Portugal

We are honored to announce that for the Twentieth event in the series, we will be joined by Maria Alexandra Oliveira from the Faculdade de...

Sixth interview: Afternoon tea with Sami Ullah

For the SIXTH event in the series, we will be joined by Sami Ullah at the Birmingham Institute of Forest Research, University of Birmingham who...

Nineteenth webinar: Study on the influence of pollen on nitrogen wet deposition

We are honored to announce that for the Nineteenth event in the series, we will be joined by Ivan Limić from the Institute for Adriatic...

Eighteenth webinar: Patterns of tree growth over the last years. Is it climate change causing trees to grow any slower or faster?

We are honored to announce that for the Eighteenth event in the series, we will be joined by Carlos Miguel Landivar Albis from Bundesforschungszentrum für...

Seventeenth webinar: Finalizing the literature review database for tree-ring based water use efficiency estimates and performing first analyses

Date and time: 12th December 2024; 10:00 – 10:45 AM (CET) The CLEANFOREST webinar series is hosted by the COST Action’s Young Researchers community for all interested researchers and...

Sixteenth webinar: Effects of elevated CO2 on NSC accumulation and distribution of temperate deciduous forests at BIFoR-FACE

Date and time: 28th November 2024; 10:00 – 10:45 AM (CET) The CLEANFOREST webinar series is hosted by the COST Action’s Young Researchers community for all interested researchers and...

Fifteenth webinar: The Functionality of trees inside and outside cities: human and climate effects on isotopes characterization in Pinus pinea

Date and time: 12th November 2024; 10:00 – 10:45 AM (CET)  The CLEANFOREST webinar series is hosted by the COST Action’s Young Researchers community for all interested researchers and...

Fourteenth Webinar: Next generation manipulation experiments

Date and time: 22nd October 2024; 10:00-11:00 AM (CET) What/Description: The CLEANFOREST webinar series is hosted by the COST Action’s Early Career Investigator community for...

Fifth interview: Energizing coffee with Marco

Date: 25 Sep 2024, 13:00 – 13:45 CETTitle: Fifth interview:  Energizing coffee with Marco What/Description: The CLEANFOREST interview series is hosted by COST Action’s Young...

Thirteenth webinar: Assessing ecosystem carbon fluxes using the eddy covariance technique, combined with in-growth coring

Date and time: 20th June 2024; 10:00 – 10:45 AM (CET)  Thirteenth webinar: Assessing ecosystem carbon fluxes using the eddy covariance technique, combined with in-growth...

Twelfth webinar: Science as a key component of the policymaking process

We are honored to announce that for the Twelfth event in the series we will be joined by Chloe Hill, the EGU Policy Manager.
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