Seventh webinar: The climate change effect on soil functioning in Montenegro

Seventh webinar: The climate change effect on soil functioning in Montenegro

Date and time: 12 February 2024; 12:00 – 12:45 PM (CET)Seventh webinar: The climate change effect on soil functioning in Montenegro

The CLEANFOREST webinar series is hosted by the COST Action’s Young Researchers community for all interested researchers and practitioners during the second and fourth week of every month. For the seventh event in the series we will be joined by Milena Lakicevic, reporting on an STSM carried out in 2023.

During the visit the grantee conducted field and lab work. Fieldwork was focused on collecting soil data that were later on analyzed in the lab, and processed in the environment. This type of analysis was the initial procedure with introducing R and its packages at the host institution. The planned activities, as well as the timeslot were fulfilled completely – 3 days fieldwork, 2 days lab work and 10 days of computer work. The initial goal was met and that is – developing a new computer platform for soil data processing in Montenegro that can be applied later on, for analysis in the future. The computer work included research on the following topics: assessing the current state, and testing i.e. modelling of soil responses under different climate effects and/or extremes. During the stay, the host and the grantee worked on defining of tasks and structure for the mutual paper to be published in international journal. The main parts of the manuscript as well as the statistical tests and data processing have been done, during the visit in a following way – hosts provided a great portion of input soil data and the grantee has shared the procedures for their processing in R. In addition to that, the grantee helped in collecting data at the several location in northern Montenegro region.

Where: MS Teams. Register in advance here.

Deadline: please sign-up via the registration link above before the webinar.


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