Grant Calls

Grant Calls

2024 Second Open Call for Short – Term Scientific Missions (STSMs)

Deadline: The STSM is an open call until the 15th of August. A first review will be performed on the 17th of June and then on a rolling basis.
aim at supporting mobility and collaboration among researchers participating in the CLEANFOREST Action. An STSM consists of a visit to a host institution located in...

2024 Third Open Call for Inclusiveness Target Country Conference grant (ITC CG)

Deadline: 10th of June 2024
You are an early career scientist from an ITC country and want to present your work (within the areas of interest for Cleanforest).

2024 Third Open Call for Dissemination Conference grant (DCG)

Deadline: 10th of June 2024
Present and advertise the action to a large audience, or present the results of the action such as the synthesis prepared by the working groups.

2024 Open Second Call for Dissemination Conference Grants

CLEANFOREST is offering up to four Dissemination Grants (of up to €1,000 each for onsite conferences ) for advertising the action at high-level conference organized...

2024 Second Open Call for ITC* Conference Grants

CLEANFOREST is offering 4 ITC Conference Grants (of up to €1,000 each) for young researchers and innovators to attend a high-level conference and present their...

2nd Grant Period - 1st Cal | Short Term Scientific Missions (STSMs)

The deadline for STSM applications is extended to January 31, 2024
STSMs aim at supporting mobility and collaboration among researchers participating in the CLEANFOREST Action. An STSM consists of a visit to a host institution located...

2024 Open Call for ITC* Conference Grants

CLEANFOREST is offering 4 ITC Conference Grants (of up to €1,000 each) for young researchers and innovators to attend a high-level conference and present their...

2024 Open Call for Dissemination Conference Grants

CLEANFOREST is offering up to four Dissemination Grants (of up to €1,000 each for onsite conferences ) for advertising the action at high-level conference organized...
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