Thirteenth webinar: Assessing ecosystem carbon fluxes using the eddy covariance technique, combined with in-growth coring

Thirteenth webinar: Assessing ecosystem carbon fluxes using the eddy covariance technique, combined with in-growth coring

Date and time: 20th June 2024; 10:00 – 10:45 AM (CET) 

Thirteenth webinar: Assessing ecosystem carbon fluxes using the eddy covariance technique, combined with in-growth coring

The CLEANFOREST webinar series is hosted by the COST Action’s Young Researchers community for all interested researchers and practitioners during the second and fourth week of every month. For the thirteenth event in the series we will be joined by Giorgos Xanthopoulos, reporting on their STSM.

Assessment of ecosystems carbon fluxes is vital for understanding the biogeochemical cycles and their response to climate change at different scales. Eddy covariance (EC) technique is a useful tool for providing high frequency, long-term measurements of carbon, water, and energy fluxes within an ecosystem. The combination of EC and belowground fluxes, such as fine roots enable a more accurate estimation of ecosystem carbon sequestration potential as well as health and functioning.

My name is Giorgos, and I am conducting my PhD at Democritus University of Thrace, Greece in collaboration with the Hellenic Agricultural Organisation Dimitra, since October 2022. My research focuses on studying the carbon and water dynamics of a natural Pinus halepensis Mill ecosystem in Chalkidiki, Greece, which is also a part of eLTER network. The aims of this STSM visit through the CLEANFOREST COST ACTION was (a) to gain skills in post processing and analysis of EC data (b) to exchange knowledge for estimating fine root production and turnover using the in-growth core method and (c) to foster enhanced cooperation between the research team of the Institute of Landscape Ecology in Germany and the Forest Research Institute in Greece.

Please register via the link here.

Deadline: please sign-up via the registration link above before the webinar.


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