Second CLEANFOREST Annual Meeting Program

Second CLEANFOREST Annual Meeting Program
The second CLEANFOREST Annual meeting is coming up! Check out below all details.
07-10 May 2024, Lisbon (Portugal) and virtual

On-site: Faculty of Science of the Universidade de Lisboa


Hours are in GMT (CET: GMT+1 – EET: GMT + 2)

Wednesday, May 8 Morning session

(Restricted to core group and MC members)
*The links for the virtual Rooms will be shared via email

9:00-9:30 Registration
9:30-11:30 Core group meeting [Virtual: ROOM 1*]
11:30-12:00 Coffee break and MC registration
12:00-13:30 MC meeting [Virtual: ROOM 1*]
13:30-14:45 Lunch
Afternoon session
14:30-15:15 Registration
15:15 -15:30 Welcome to all participants
15:30-17:30 WG breakout meetings
WG1 [Virtual: ROOM 1*]
WG2 [Virtual: ROOM 2*]
WG3 [Virtual: ROOM 3*]
WG4 [Virtual: ROOM 4*]

Thursday, May 9 - Workshop

Topic: Monitoring for Resilient Forests - Needs, Gaps, and Way Ahead

Organizing team: Rossella Guerrieri, Elena Vanguelova, Cristina Cristina Branquinho, Silvana Munzi,
Ivika Ostonen, Rocio Alonso, Mariangela Fotelli, Mirco Migliavacca

*The links for the virtual participants will be shared via email. If you are not member of CLEANFOREST COST Action, you can register to participate here.

8:50-9:10Welcome & Introduction
9:10-10:00Plenary session – Forest monitoring: global assessment and policy perspectives
9:10-9:30Regine Roncucci (EU Affairs Manager, The European Parliament Intergroup on ‘Climate Change, Biodiversity and Sustainable Development)
9:30-9:50Anssi Pekkarinen (FAO), Roman Michalak (UNECE) – virual participation
10:00-12:00Plenary session – Building synergies among different monitoring initiatives
 Established networks and Horizon Europe projects
10:00-10:15Marco Ferretti (Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research  – WSL, Switzerland – ICP Forests)
10:15-10:30Simone Sabbatini (Euro-Mediterranean Centre on Climate Change, Italy – ICOS)
10:30-10:45Michael Mirtl (Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ, Germany – eLTER)
10:50-11:20Coffee break
11:20-11:35Ruben Valbuena (SLU, Sweden – FORWARDS)
11:35-11:50Tiina Törmänen (Luke, Finland – Benchmarks and Holisoils)
12:00-13:15Plenary session – Linking ground-based monitoring and remote sensing to support policy
12:00-12:15Philippe Cias (IPSL, France) – virual participation
12:15-12:30Marta Galvagno (Environmental Protection Agency of Aosta Valley, Italy)
12:30-12:45Pedro Pinho (University of Lisbon, Portugal)




Closing the morning session

14:30-15:00Pitch talks from students attending the First CLEANFOREST Training school (6-9 May)
15:00-15:45Breakout sessions
  • 4 groups (only on-site participants)
15:45-16:30Coffee break
16:30-17:30Plenary session
  • Reporting on discussion from breakout sessions
  • General discussion with invited speakers
  • Concluding remarks
Social dinner

Friday, May 10

Organizing team: WG core teams
Virtual plenary sessions [ROOM 1*]

*The links for the virtual Rooms will be shared via email





Plenary session


Welcome and Introduction


WG breakout sessions


WG1 [Virtual: ROOM 1*]


WG2 [Virtual: ROOM 2*]


WG3 [Virtual: ROOM 3*]


WG4 [Virtual: ROOM 4*]


Coffee break

11:15 -12:30

WG breakout sessions


WG1 [Virtual: ROOM 1*]


WG2 [Virtual: ROOM 2*]


WG3 [Virtual: ROOM 3*]


WG4 [Virtual: ROOM 4*]


Plenary session


General discussion


Final remarks



Social dinner Thursday 9 May

Restaurante A Gina
Parque Mayer, Lisbon, Portugal
Time: 20:00

Field trip Tuesday 7 May

Companhia das Lezírias (Samora Correa, Portugal)
Time: 8:00-14:00

We’ll travel by bus, meeting point at the Faculty of Science and back at the same point. We’ll have lunch together there.

With a total area of approximately 18,000 hectares, within its boundaries lies one of the largest continuous cork oak forests in Portugal, extensive rice fields, pine forests, olive groves, and vineyards. However, as the word lezíria itself indicates, since it derives from the Arabic al-jazirâ – “the island,” the truth is that it also includes an island, surrounded by the Tagus and Sorraia rivers, and a set of wetlands rich in biodiversity.

CL has been supporting several research projects related to its areas of activity, either actively participating in or financing, or just providing space and resources. Companhia das Lezírias coark oak integrates the macro-site (Long Term  Site platform for Ecological Research) of the cork oak region. Under the Business & Biodiversity initiative, Companhia das Lezirias has established a commitment to the Institute of Nature Conservation and Biodiversity (INCB) for the development of various lines of applied research.

Field trip Friday 10 May

Monsanto Forest Park (Lisbon, Portugal)
Time: 14:00-18:00

We’ll travel by bus, after having lunch at the Faculty of Science.

Integrated into the Monsanto Forest Park, in a fenced area of 16 hectares, the space was created by the Lisbon City Council in the 1990s, under the name Monsanto Ecological Park, with the aim of offering a space dedicated to nature conservation and environmental education and interpretation. The park features an observation tower, a bird observatory, a pedagogical forest nursery with native species, a Wild Animal Rehabilitation Center, and a Phyto-ETAR. Guided tours of the Biodiversity Space can last between one and two hours and provide insights into the fauna and flora, geology, and history of the Monsanto Forest Park.

Looking forward to our CLEANFOREST networking!

Chair and vice-Chair
Rossella Guerrieri, Elena Vanguelova
CLEANFOREST core group

Local Organizers
Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa

Silvana Munzi
Cristina Cristina Branquinho

Local supporting team
Adriana Príncipe
Alice Nunes
Helena Serrano
Alexandra Oliveira
Juliana Monteiro
Inês Domingues
Bernardo Rocha
Pedro Pinho
Melanie Kobel

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