Third Webinar: Soil greenhouse gas assessment and analysis at a broadleaf short rotation stand

Third Webinar: Soil greenhouse gas assessment and analysis at a broadleaf short rotation stand

16th November 2023, 11:00-11:45 AM (CET): Third Webinar: Soil greenhouse gas assessment and analysis at a broadleaf short rotation stand

The CLEANFOREST webinar series is hosted by the COST Action’s Young Researchers community for all interested researchers and practitioners during the second and fourth week of every month. 

For the next event in the series we will be joined by Stavroula Zacharoudi (Democritus University of Thrace, Greece) to hear about her research. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is one of the most important greenhouse gases in the atmosphere of Earth. Soil respiration releases carbon dioxide from the soil to the atmosphere and is powered by heterotrophic and autotrophic processes. It is the mechanism responsible for cycling carbon between the terrestrial and aerial environments and represents the soil’s ability to support plant development and soil microorganisms. In my PhD I study soil respiration in two different ecosystems and I undertook a Short-Term Scientific Mission in Forest Research, UK to improve my skills to this end. This STSM helped me understand how even small changes in topography, soil temperature and moisture affect the soil CO2 efflux, which I will consider in my future assessments.

The webinar will be hosted on MS Teams. Register in advance here

For further information, contact: 

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