Sixteenth webinar: Effects of elevated CO2 on NSC accumulation and distribution of temperate deciduous forests at BIFoR-FACE

Sixteenth webinar: Effects of elevated CO2 on NSC accumulation and distribution of temperate deciduous forests at BIFoR-FACE

Date and time: 28th November 2024; 10:00 – 10:45 AM (CET)

The CLEANFOREST webinar series is hosted by the COST Action’s Young Researchers community for all interested researchers and practitioners usually during the second and fourth week of every month. 

We are honored to announce that for the Sixteenth event in the series we will be joined by Li Li, one of the CLEANFOREST STSM Grantees. The short summary of her talk is given below.

Global increases in atmospheric CO₂ are affecting forest growth. Trees store carbon primarily as non-structural carbohydrates (NSC), which reflect the balance between carbon gains from photosynthesis and losses through respiration, and play a crucial role in the carbon cycle. Variations in NSC in different tree parts provide insights into tree growth strategies under CO₂ enrichment (eCO₂). However, the effects of eCO₂ on NSC composition and allocation of mature trees remain unclear. To investigate these effects, we conducted an NSC study at the Birmingham Institute for Forest Research’s Free Air CO₂ Enrichment (BIFoR-FACE) facility to answer the following question: “How does the accumulation and distribution of NSC in different canopy layers of trees respond to eCO₂?


Deadline: please sign-up via the registration link above BEFORE the webinar.


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