XX International Botanical Congress

XX International Botanical Congress

21-27 July 2024, Madrid, Spain

The International Botanical Congress is a major scientific conference held periodically to bring together botanists and plant scientists from around the world. Its primary goals are to promote and discuss the latest research and advancements in plant sciences, including taxonomy, ecology, genetics, physiology, and conservation.

Silvana Munzi presented “CLEANFOREST COST Action: helping forests to face the Anthropocene” (Guerrieri R., Vanguelova E., Munzi S.) in the session “Ecophysiological challenges in the Anthropocene”.

“A great opportunity to show that CLEANFOREST is active, after the annual meeting and the first training school organized in May. The IBC is huge and the session was ideal to highlight the link between plant ecophysiology, monitoring and the potential role of CLEANFOREST” commented Silvana Munzi.

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