
Yann Salmon

Yann Salmon

Grant Awarding Coordinator, MC Member
University of Helsinki
I did my PhD in ETH Zurich (Switzerland), and then had postdoc experiences at the Universities of Zurich (Switzerland), Edinburgh (UK) and Helsinki (Finland). I am now a senior researcher at the University of Helsinki. My work focuses on tree physiological ecology and its relation to ecosystem ecology. I am particularly interested in the carbon and water relation of trees and forest and how they are impacted by both abiotic and biotic stresses. My main current projects are focusing on the mechanisms controlling gas-exchanges, phloem transport and resilience to drought. I am also in charge of the stem measurements (sap flow, dendrometers,...) at the SMEAR stations, which are also ICOS and eLTER sites, where we monitor long-term response of boreal forest to the environment.