

Wojciech Kędziora

Interviews Leader, MC Member
Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW, Institute of Forest Sciences
Dr Wojciech Kędziora (Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Poland) is an early-stage researcher in the field of forest inventory, management planning, coarse woody debris, and dendrochronology in temperate forests. His PhD thesis was focused on National Forest Inventory data and assessing site indexes for Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) on Polish lowlands. Currently, he is a Principal Investigator in Visegrad Funded research topic “Restoring recreative potential of damaged forests for human well-being in V4 and post-war Ukraine”. Moreover, he is also interested in the spread of mistletoe (Viscum album) in pine forests of Central Europe. In his interests he also conducts research in decision support systems and multi-criterial forest management.